Wednesday, December 8, 2021

AutoBio - Part Two

Part Two of Auto Biography

Kindergarten Drama

Recap of Part One

I shared my oldest memory - technically what I am currently convinced is my oldest memory

In that memory, I ride with my mom to get my first ever pair of eye glasses

While I remember the ride there for unbeknownst reasons (likely something to do with the funky thoughts bouncing in my brain), my mom has told me a time or two that she remembers the return trip home from getting my eye glasses

For any who may be curious, I now excitedly wear contact lenses!

Elementary School

A quick catch-up for any asking themselves, "what does elementary school mean?"

To any others who know, I encourage you to jump to the next bold print

In Martinsburg, PA, USA, in the year 1999, young humans around 5 years-old were sent to "elementary school"

This name, elementary, covers grades kindergarten thru 5th grade

Following 5th grade, I progress to "middle school" for grades 6 thru 8, then wrapped up my public education in "high school" for grades 9 thru 12

Should you have any other questions or confusions about elementary school, please hesitate not to ask in the comments below or toss me some other form of digital communication [e.g. Tweet, email]

My Elementary School: Martinsburg Elementary School (MES)

I agree, that is not a creative or awe-inspiring name

But the name is true & logical

Martinsburg Elementary School, MES, resides beside a very small local air port

By small, I mean that this air port is known more for the rotate attempt at its restaurant de jour more than any actual departing flights

The runway did make for some cool recess moments as planes would either glide in or out of the runaway!

Kindergarten Setting

Ms / Mrs Reed taught my kindergarten class - the proper marital-status pronoun escapes me presently

About 20 other energetic 5-ish year-olds joined me each morning for the learning-packed session

I mention only morning because MES kindergarten dismissed the students around lunchtime (I'm struggling to recall if it was a pre- or post-lunch dismissal), which accounted for only a half-day when compared to the length of the 1st - 12th grade school days

Most days, before being dismissed, we were given a small snack, the lights would be turned off, and we would watch a short TV program

The Drama

One eventful day, during snack & TV time, I sat beside an eye-catching fellow kindergartener - a girl

For her own safety (and my laziness preventing my reaching out to get her consent), her name will be changed to Stephania, or Steph for short

So there I sat beside Steph with a chocolate cookie-wafer-thing in hand, lights off, with some kiddie TV show playing

Enter the drama that would follow Steph & I for many years to come

I remember her spontaneously leaning over to kiss me on the cheek

Bewildered, I saw no other course of action but to reciprocate

However, she claims this minor cheek-kiss was all my doing, with her never reciprocating, & it taking place out in the hallway outside of class

Should I ever gain abundant access either to a time machine OR a device with crystal-ball-like memory-playback capability, I will painstakingly review each day of kindergarten to track down THAT moment, thus determining who tells the truer tale

By the way, this debate between Steph & me continued thru most, if not all, of our years in elementary school

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