Monday, September 11, 2023

Future-Proof Your Career Path

I have some harsh news for us "simple folk" of central PA & across these United States

many jobs today will die off

they will become figments of a long forgotten past

like town cryers ~ or court jesters 

likely sooner than u want them to ta boot

farms can use robotics & "go vertical" 🌽

3D printing can handle manufacturing & possibly large scale construction (check out 3D printed concrete) 🧱

IoT (internet of things) will have devices across a wide swath "talking* with each other 😵‍💫🫨

So instead of being all doom + gloom

Get prepared!

We humans will still have to monitor all this fancy tech that is filling our lives as well as lay the foundations for it to function

Did u notice a common thread thru ^those^ jobs I mentioned??

They all depend on coding / software in some way

Now I'm not saying u have to get out there & learn to code

Far from it!

Because ultimately any internet accessible device leans heavily upon hardware components

Such as frequency towers, or electricity generation + delivery

My point is to secure a career path that will be around for as long as u want to be have a career


Ill probably work myself into the grave which (GOD willing) will be well past my 80th birthday

That means (as I sit here about to turn 30) I need a career path that has stepping stones for the next 5 decades

Good thing i math well 🤣

& math has been "in demand" for thousands of years 😎🤓

If u have any deeper or more specific questions about how to future proof ur career path

~> shot me an email JackalBruit or shout out to me on My X (better known as Twitter)

We can build better 😏

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Wanna Hear About ... My First Kiss

# Wanna Hear About My First Kiss

Allow Jack L. Bruit to recount the tale

## The Background

Let's call her Kira (picked via this site)

We were young

The year was ...

It was winter of my high school sophomore year ...

10th grade ended in 2010 ...

So 2009!

That made me {2009 - 1993 or} 16 years old

Kira would've been 15yo

We had been getting to know each other since summer of '09

We officially met during marching band camp

Then we "became a couple" sometime during the football season

She played the piccolo while I was a drummer

## The Day Of

I can't say specifically the calendar date

But there was a date for the evening planned

It was a Christmas play at some church with her family

Some random tale set in the 1940's or something

Mostly I only remember the pain in my right arm

As I had it around her shoulder during the entire play!

Only recently turned 16 ...

I was not licensed


Kira's mom had to drive me home after the play

Kira tagged along for the ride

There had been some inclement weather,

So my driveway was treacherous w/ ice

As we pulled into the driveway,

Kira & I exchanged a glance

An unspoken request & acceptance to walk me to my door

After her mom put the van into park

Kira trailed right out that van door after me

& we could hear her mother demanding, "Get back in this car!"

But Kira refused to change course

We carefully continued up the remainder of the driveway

& up the porch steps

As I opened the door,

I saw my Mom enjoying some nightly TV

Can't remember what I said / asked,

but I somehow prompted my Mom to head back to her room ...

So that I could say good night to Kira

## The Moment

Please keep in mind ...

To that point in my 16[year] of existence ...

I had never had a legit kiss

Tis a fact!

Another fact: Kira was my first official relationship

So ...

I was nervous

& the cold weather was not helping

I sheepishly stole a glance into Kira's eyes ...

Then darted my gaze back to the ground

She caught my attention & said, "It's alright"

Clearly reading my nervous hesitancy

"No ... I want t...", I whispered

As I leant in

& then ...

Got my first kiss 😁

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Magic the Gathering Turn Considerations


MTG Turn Considerations

An oversimplification


MTG, or Magic the Gathering, is a trading card game dating back to 1993
(oddly enough, '93 is also the year of my birth!)

During a typical game of MTG,
each player takes turns "casting spells"

These spells are represented in a pre-assembled deck of cards

As the game progresses & more turns are taken,
spells get increasingly more powerful / impactful

it can be loss-inducing to have a sub-optimal turn

Turn Importance

In a recent MTG tournament I played,
my games lasted approximately 10 ~ 15 turns each

But the writing can be on the wall as soon as turn 5

So if we assume an average of 10 turns per game,
a sub-optimal turn means you gave up 10% win-equity

Win-Equity, or WeQ

For want of a better term,
I will be using "win-equity",
or sometimes WeQ,
as a quick shorthand meaing a game action moving a player closer to a win

While a negative WeQ moves a player closer to a loss

Turn 0, a.k.a. T0

It may seem odd to a non-MTG player,
but we spell-slingers often make our most valuable decision in T0

During T0,
we must decide whether to keep the initial hand of 7 cards we drew
or instead shuffle those cards back & draw a new 7

Some opening hands do not provide many options for impending turns

These poor openers have a low WeQ

Other hands have a clear out-of-the-gate strategy

These optimal hands have a high WeQ

T1 : Turn 1

T1 is a player's first opportunity to cast a spell

But in order to cast the vast majority of MTG cards,
a player first needs to drop a "Land" card

Land cards provide the fuel / resource to cast spells
but the normal rules of MTG dictate that a player
may only drop 1 land per turn

(not to get too much in the weeds,
but there do exist cards that work-around this normal rule,
and any card-specific rule supersedes a normal rule)

That land the player chooses to drop on T1 will impact the entire game

There are 2 main approaches to the T1 land drop:

1) Drop an "un-tapped" land

2) Drop a "tapped" land

"Tapping" is a way to indicate that a land has been used for that turn

Hence if a player picks option (1) to drop an un-tapped land,
they create an opportunity to cast their first spell of the game

Some decks depend on this early start to gain leverage,
increasing their WeQ

Other decks require option (2)
in which the player drops a tapped land

But being tapped usually provides a benefit down the road

For instance,
a basic land card can only produce 1 of the 5 possible colors in MTG

(the 5 colors are : White, Blue, Black, Red, & Green)

a tapped land may allow the player to choose between 2 of the 5 colors

Another common benefit of tapped lands would be gaining life

(each player starts a game with a set number of life points
and a player loses if their life points hit 0)

Oh but wait!

The complicated forethought does not end there

Suppose a player has a deck that uses 2 different colors

In their opening hand,
there is a card that would require 1 of each of those 2 colors
in order to be cast during T2

Then the player must ensure to drop the lands during T1 & T2
that would produce both of those colors

T2 : Turn 2 & Beyond!

When a player reaches T2,
they have many, many options to pick from

Which land to drop ...
Which spell to cast ...
Or perhaps sit back,
and wait to react to their opponents actions

That complexity means that an oversimplified guide
(such as this one)
cannot go into enough detail to provide much value

The value I am hoping to convey is
to consider how each turn influences all the turns that follow

So execute each & every turn wisely
as to not give away too much WeQ!

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Guns are like . . . Motor Vehicles


Guns are like . . . Motor Vehicles

A simile


I'd hope we can all see how both motor vehicles (MV) & guns carry some utility

MV's are obvious: transportation

Whether that is the transportation of you, other humans, or the s*** we buy

Guns are less obvious

Guns may be used for sport or for those who enjoy the taste of hunted animals,

guns are one of the most efficient ways to hunt deer, rabbits, etc


Both MV's & guns demand a sense of responsibility from their users

This responsibility stems from how both harness a lethal potential

This lethality can be either for the user or against another victim

it is too common in the 21st century that this responsibility is neglected

Whether a gun that is improperly stored

Or a drunk that grips a wheel


Another oddly comparable fact is that a MV & a gun are dependent

Guns depend upon ammunition

MV's depend on a fuel source, typically gasoline or electricity

"2nd Amendment"

To any 2A-advocates reading this,
my target audience extends far beyond the US of A's borders

License v. Permit

When I turned 16 years old,
I eagerly sought first my driver's learner's permit
& then after the requisite 6 months,
my full driver's license

I have never completed a hunter's safety course
Nor any type of permit for the 2 firearms that I legally own
(praise be to the great state of PA!)

The difference:
I have used both ~ certainly 1 far more frequently than the other
(as a hint, there was 1 year I topped over 30,000 miles driven)

According to this article,
an estimated 38,680 US citizens passed in MV crashes in 2020

From glancing over this other article,
an estimated 45,222 US citizens died from a firearm-related cause

I'd rather not "run the numbers"
on whether there are more MV's or guns in the US of A

But it seems reasonable to assume,
based solely on the above 2 statistics,
that a US citizen is more likely to die by gun than by MV

And yet ... I only had to take a test for the safer machine

Gun Control?

Some people tote that the US of A needs stricter gun laws

I'm never too sure what those shouters truly want

What would more strict gun laws look like?
Sound like?
Read like?

Would they be an infringement upon the 2nd Amendment?

What truly even tho was the heart of the law of the 2A?

If nothing else,
it appears prudent to me
that at a minimum some type of test should be passed to use a firearm

I believe that the ownership of a gun
(as with the ownership of an MV)
be accessible to any US citizen
considering the potential collective commodity of a gun

Referring back to these machines' usability,
there is (to my knowledge)
no strongly enforced restriction to purchase gasoline

There are stringent rules around the purchase of ammo
... or at least there is an age limit enforced

So perhaps the answer resides not in gun control
but instead in the control of the ammunition?

A Solution ...

At the time of this article's initial publication,
I am 28 years old

I do not hold the solution to this sticky problem

All I can hope to do is vomit my inner monologue out into the world

And hope that some piece of the spue is found beneficial

Friday, February 25, 2022

HowTo : PowerShell ~ Announcement!


Announcement | HowTo : PowerShell

A change in the winds of this tutorial series

The Announcement!

I have decided that this series on how to script using Windows PowerShell will be best served to any interested people as a YouTube vlog

I shall update this written blog series with direct links to that playlist once I have the first video posted

May PoSh (short-hand for PowerShell) power your shell experience!

The YouTube Link

En Full ~>

Thursday, December 9, 2021

HowTo : PowerShell | Lesson Zero

Lesson 0 | HowTo : PowerShell

Intro to my PowerShell-teaching blog-series

What Is PowerShell?

To my understanding at the initial writing of this, PowerShell is a scripting language native from Microsoft Windows Operating System (OS)

If most or all of that directly-above sentence read like a foreign language to you --> I recommend reading up on #ComputerProgramming or better yet #CodeNewbie over on Twitter or similar social media platform

Or, for a less social-source, I highly recommend, either diving first into HTML (IMO coding) or JavaScript (IMO programming), both of which fall under the "software" umbrella

Who Uses PowerShell?

First & foremost: I use PowerShell!

I have never been officially tasked with writing it professionally, but I have used it at nearly each job I have held since graduating college/roundOne

I also use PowerShell as a hobby {=

For some examples of my go-to PowerShell tricks & shortcuts, I encourage you to browse code over on my GitHub at My Directory Tools

Beyond my fingertips . . . I am honestly not sure who else for sure uses PowerShell

I think it gets some buzz among IT folks in administration roles in business, since it can automate a lot of mundane computer-based tasks

When Could You Use PowerShell?

Whenever you have a computer!

Preferably a Windows OS (WinOS) machine

But PowerShell Core is available to cross-platform use, for non-WinOS people

Sadly, tho, I have not yet dabbled in PowerShell Core so if you lack access to a WinOS machine and wish to try PowerShell Core --> you will need to find another teaching source


Anywhere that computer will effectively run . . . so like, probably definitely not in a hot tub!

Why Bother Learning PowerShell?

I am so glad you asked!

Allow me share my joys that have blossomed from learning PowerShell

Granted, you likely will not find the same use cases of PowerShell that I have, but these may serve as some ideas of PowerShell's power

I first laid eyes on PowerShell while working for North American Communications (NAC) as a "data processor"

For that job, I had to run many many computer programs, clicking incessantly on my work computer

One of my co-workers started to train me how to handle some of his regular monthly tasks, and during that breakdown, he doubled-clicked a strange icon on his desktop which triggered a spree of windows opening then closing

When all was said & done, the files that had been in a folder were now in their appropriate destination folders with fresh new names to meet our department file naming conventions

My co-worker explained that he had run a PowerShell script so that the computer would do the repetitive annoyance of renaming & moving those files

He explained how this method reduced the chance of error

Consider having to rename & move 50 computer files, each laborious one after the other

Each rename & move opened the door to small mistakes

Then compound having to repeat that process each month

No human is capable of batting a perfect 100% for very long like that


By setting up that script once & debugging the script, the process becomes almost fool-proof

PowerShell had me hooked

I began diving into online blogs & tutorials, testing what other steps I could automate with PowerShell

After several months of tweaking & learning, I had some of my simple tasks, which used to take me about an hour or two, down to a mere click of a button & typing in the answer to a few prompts

Wow, did I feel like some type of fancy big-shot

Outside of work, I wrote a PowerShell script to analyze NFL player stats to assist my fantasy football draft selections

That was probably my favorite PowerShell project - combining my passion for statistical analysis & PowerShell

How Can YOU Learn PowerShell?

Is it not obvious??

You, my curious reader, can learn PowerShell by staying tuned for future posts in this impending blog-series {=

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

AutoBio - Part Two

Part Two of Auto Biography

Kindergarten Drama

Recap of Part One

I shared my oldest memory - technically what I am currently convinced is my oldest memory

In that memory, I ride with my mom to get my first ever pair of eye glasses

While I remember the ride there for unbeknownst reasons (likely something to do with the funky thoughts bouncing in my brain), my mom has told me a time or two that she remembers the return trip home from getting my eye glasses

For any who may be curious, I now excitedly wear contact lenses!

Elementary School

A quick catch-up for any asking themselves, "what does elementary school mean?"

To any others who know, I encourage you to jump to the next bold print

In Martinsburg, PA, USA, in the year 1999, young humans around 5 years-old were sent to "elementary school"

This name, elementary, covers grades kindergarten thru 5th grade

Following 5th grade, I progress to "middle school" for grades 6 thru 8, then wrapped up my public education in "high school" for grades 9 thru 12

Should you have any other questions or confusions about elementary school, please hesitate not to ask in the comments below or toss me some other form of digital communication [e.g. Tweet, email]

My Elementary School: Martinsburg Elementary School (MES)

I agree, that is not a creative or awe-inspiring name

But the name is true & logical

Martinsburg Elementary School, MES, resides beside a very small local air port

By small, I mean that this air port is known more for the rotate attempt at its restaurant de jour more than any actual departing flights

The runway did make for some cool recess moments as planes would either glide in or out of the runaway!

Kindergarten Setting

Ms / Mrs Reed taught my kindergarten class - the proper marital-status pronoun escapes me presently

About 20 other energetic 5-ish year-olds joined me each morning for the learning-packed session

I mention only morning because MES kindergarten dismissed the students around lunchtime (I'm struggling to recall if it was a pre- or post-lunch dismissal), which accounted for only a half-day when compared to the length of the 1st - 12th grade school days

Most days, before being dismissed, we were given a small snack, the lights would be turned off, and we would watch a short TV program

The Drama

One eventful day, during snack & TV time, I sat beside an eye-catching fellow kindergartener - a girl

For her own safety (and my laziness preventing my reaching out to get her consent), her name will be changed to Stephania, or Steph for short

So there I sat beside Steph with a chocolate cookie-wafer-thing in hand, lights off, with some kiddie TV show playing

Enter the drama that would follow Steph & I for many years to come

I remember her spontaneously leaning over to kiss me on the cheek

Bewildered, I saw no other course of action but to reciprocate

However, she claims this minor cheek-kiss was all my doing, with her never reciprocating, & it taking place out in the hallway outside of class

Should I ever gain abundant access either to a time machine OR a device with crystal-ball-like memory-playback capability, I will painstakingly review each day of kindergarten to track down THAT moment, thus determining who tells the truer tale

By the way, this debate between Steph & me continued thru most, if not all, of our years in elementary school

Future-Proof Your Career Path

I have some harsh news for us "simple folk" of central PA & across these United States many jobs today will die off they will ...